A common setting of reinforcement learning (RL) is a Markov decision process (MDP) in which the environment is a stochastic discrete-time dynamical system. Whereas MDPs are suitable in such applications as video-games or puzzles, physical systems are time-continuous. A general variant of RL is of digital format, where updates of the value (or cost) and policy are performed at discrete moments in time. The agent-environment loop then amounts to a sampled system, whereby sample-and-hold is a specific case. In this paper, we propose and benchmark two RL methods suitable for sampled systems. Specifically, we hybridize model-predictive control (MPC) with critics learning the optimal Q- and value (or cost-to-go) function. Optimality is analyzed and performance comparison is done in an experimental case study with a mobile robot.
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This paper describes a prototype software and hardware platform to provide support to field operators during the inspection of surface defects of non-metallic pipes. Inspection is carried out by video filming defects created on the same surface in real-time using a "smart" helmet device and other mobile devices. The work focuses on the detection and recognition of the defects which appears as colored iridescence of reflected light caused by the diffraction effect arising from the presence of internal stresses in the inspected material. The platform allows you to carry out preliminary analysis directly on the device in offline mode, and, if a connection to the network is established, the received data is transmitted to the server for post-processing to extract information about possible defects that were not detected at the previous stage. The paper presents a description of the stages of design, formal description, and implementation details of the platform. It also provides descriptions of the models used to recognize defects and examples of the result of the work.
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Robust forecasting of the future anatomical changes inflicted by an ongoing disease is an extremely challenging task that is out of grasp even for experienced healthcare professionals. Such a capability, however, is of great importance since it can improve patient management by providing information on the speed of disease progression already at the admission stage, or it can enrich the clinical trials with fast progressors and avoid the need for control arms by the means of digital twins. In this work, we develop a deep learning method that models the evolution of age-related disease by processing a single medical scan and providing a segmentation of the target anatomy at a requested future point in time. Our method represents a time-invariant physical process and solves a large-scale problem of modeling temporal pixel-level changes utilizing NeuralODEs. In addition, we demonstrate the approaches to incorporate the prior domain-specific constraints into our method and define temporal Dice loss for learning temporal objectives. To evaluate the applicability of our approach across different age-related diseases and imaging modalities, we developed and tested the proposed method on the datasets with 967 retinal OCT volumes of 100 patients with Geographic Atrophy, and 2823 brain MRI volumes of 633 patients with Alzheimer's Disease. For Geographic Atrophy, the proposed method outperformed the related baseline models in the atrophy growth prediction. For Alzheimer's Disease, the proposed method demonstrated remarkable performance in predicting the brain ventricle changes induced by the disease, achieving the state-of-the-art result on TADPOLE challenge.
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我们提供了奖励黑客的第一个正式定义,即优化不完美的代理奖励功能的现象,$ \ Mathcal {\ tilde {r}} $,根据真实的奖励功能,$ \ MATHCAL {R} $导致性能差。 。我们说,如果增加预期的代理回报率永远无法减少预期的真实回报,则代理是不可接受的。直觉上,可以通过从奖励功能(使其“较窄”)中留出一些术语或忽略大致等效的结果之间的细粒度区分来创建一个不可接受的代理,但是我们表明情况通常不是这样。一个关键的见解是,奖励的线性性(在州行动访问计数中)使得无法实现的状况非常强烈。特别是,对于所有随机策略的集合,只有在其中一个是恒定的,只有两个奖励函数才能是不可接受的。因此,我们将注意力转移到确定性的政策和有限的随机政策集中,在这些策略中,始终存在非平凡的不可动摇的对,并为简化的存在建立必要和充分的条件,这是一个重要的不被限制的特殊情况。我们的结果揭示了使用奖励函数指定狭窄任务和对齐人类价值的AI系统之间的紧张关系。
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这项工作代表了沉浸式数字学习平台的系统面部表达识别和面部压力分析算法的实验和开发过程。该系统从用户网络摄像头检索,并使用人工神经网络(ANN)算法对其进行评估。 ANN输出信号可用于评分和改进学习过程。将ANN适应新系统可能需要大量的实施工作或重复ANN培训。还存在与运行ANN所需的最小硬件有关的局限性。为了使这些限制超过这些约束,提出了一些可能的面部表达识别和面部压力分析算法的实现。新解决方案的实施使得提高识别面部表情的准确性并提高其响应速度成为可能。实验结果表明,与社交设备相比,使用开发的算法可以以更高的速度检测心率。
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本文介绍了一种增强学习方法,以更好地概括有关工作店调度问题(JSP)的启发式调度规则。 JSP上的当前模型并不关注概括,尽管正如我们在这项工作中所显示的那样,这是对问题进行更好的启发式方法的关键。改善概括的一种众所周知的技术是使用课程学习(CL)学习日益复杂的实例。但是,正如文献中许多作品所表明的那样,在不同问题大小之间传递学习技能时,这种技术可能会遭受灾难性的遗忘。为了解决这个问题,我们引入了一种新颖的对抗性课程学习(ACL)策略,该策略在学习过程中动态调整了难度级别以重新审视最坏情况的实例。这项工作还提出了一个深度学习模型来解决JSP,这是e var的W.R.T.作业定义和尺寸不可能。对Taillard和Demirkol的实例进行了实验,表明所提出的方法显着改善了JSP上的最新模型。它的平均最佳差距从Taillard的实例中的平均最佳差距从19.35 \%降低到10.46 \%,而Demirkol的实例中的平均最佳差距从38.43 \%降低到18.85%。我们的实施可在线提供。
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Geologic cores are rock samples that are extracted from deep under the ground during the well drilling process. They are used for petroleum reservoirs' performance characterization. Traditionally, physical studies of cores are carried out by the means of manual time-consuming experiments. With the development of deep learning, scientists actively started working on developing machine-learning-based approaches to identify physical properties without any manual experiments. Several previous works used machine learning to determine the porosity and permeability of the rocks, but either method was inaccurate or computationally expensive. We are proposing to use self-supervised pretraining of the very small CNN-transformer-based model to predict the physical properties of the rocks with high accuracy in a time-efficient manner. We show that this technique prevents overfitting even for extremely small datasets. Github: https://github.com/Shahbozjon/porosity-and-permeability-prediction
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青光眼是最严重的眼部疾病之一,其特征是快速进展,导致不可逆的失明。通常,由于疾病早期缺乏明显的症状,人们的视力已经显着降解时,进行诊断。人口的常规青光眼筛查应改善早期检测,但是,由于手动诊断对有限的专家施加的过多负载,词源检查的理想频率通常是不可行的。考虑到检测青光眼的基本方法是分析视轴与光检查比率的底面图像,机器学习算法可以为图像处理和分类提供复杂的方法。在我们的工作中,我们提出了一种先进的图像预处理技术,并结合了深层分类模型的多视图网络,以对青光眼进行分类。我们的青光眼自动化视网膜检测网络(Gardnet)已在鹿特丹Eyepacs Airogs数据集上成功测试,AUC为0.92,然后在RIM-ONE DL数据集上进行了微调,并在AUC上进行了测试,并在AUC上胜过0.9308的AUC。 - 0.9272。我们的代码将在接受后在GitHub上提供。
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